10 smart tips on using those social tools.
Don’t talk about yourself all night or just post you own links, offers etc. If you were at a cocktail party, would you talk about yourself all night?
Its about conversation If you suck at communication and connecting in real life - you’ll suck on the web. Learn
Dont RT compliments about yourself, remember the cocktail party, would you go around all night repeating a compliment given to you.
If people DM you with numbers then keep it private.
Ask yourself before you post - is this stupid?
If you want to build a following give 500 % more than you take, when you reach tipping point you’ll start getting back.
Dont just tweet “Donna I liked your post about Gary”. It has no value to those reading, always include the link.
Don’t DM stuff that could be shared, give back. Never send auto DM s when people follow you.
Or better still, leave a comment on the blog post you want to mention and then press tweet this. That’s useful to the blogger and you are putting yourself out there.
Be authentic and when you use someone’s idea or quote, always give credit to them. What goes around comes around.
Donna Jackson
Reader Comments (2)
comparing blog with a cocktail party.. hmm maybe they are similar in some ways but the greatest difference that you are not seen and "advertising" yourself is one way of being seen
Thanks for informing us.