I woke up yesterday to a standing start, went into my office, booted up my computer and realised as I was preparing to write my blog post, I could not write about one more start up, Tech wiz-kid, or Tech-meet.
I felt like the Grinch, and I was going up the mountain just in time for Christmas.
No, I had been covering Techcrunch 50s, Le Webs and just about every other Tech-infested corner of Europe and UK solidly for five years, I was done. Tech per se, had become as about exciting to me as warmed-over porridge.
Yes, I wanted to express myself about the people I meet in Tech, or out in the vineyards. I wanted to write about the crazy, wonderful, life I lead, meeting the people who inspire me, and interviewing them for fun, no angles.
Somewhere between the lastest apps and storage systems, between comparing twitter (which I adopted rather early pre @wisequeen) and facebook, between klout, posterous and "social media gurus"( my least favourite nom de plume) and gimmicky software : the juice had all been sucked out and what was left was a dried up orange half. Tech had become Tack.
I wanted to laugh, to poke fun at myself mostly, and also at some of the extraordinary others that I meet along the highways and byways of the Blogging/Tech superstrada.
So far it has been an amazing journey, meeting people face to face as diverse as Queen Rania of Jordan, and @ChrisBrogan (who this month I share workshop duties with in Berlin). People like @GaryVee who I hated watching online, until I got him, met him, traded jibes with, and grew to love.
New Yorkers like Elin McCoy, Ex LA girls like @missrogue Tara, winemakers, serial entrepreneurs like Nicolas Berg, Politicians the list goes on and on.
But I also write on wine, social media and branding of course and these remain my first loves. And I will cover those till my last withered finger drops off. This year Im speaking on wine+socialsharing in Porto, and then in Berlin on B2B and social tools.
I'm also so excited to be invited to cover the wine event of the year in #Paris
I am no technophobe, ask anyone, I was the first person around to buy an mac air, mac pro, iphone, a flip, a flop, a dropbox. But Oh Lord, spare me.
So tech may sneak in by the back door of all the apps and app makers I talk to daily, Tech may sneak in through the side door via the VC s, but I'm not taking it that seriously anymore, because I think its got a little narcissistic of late. Cest la vie
Queen of all she surveys,
Her Middleness
Donna Jackson
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