TWESTIVAL success 250,000 dollars so far
Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 5:49AM
200 cities and towns around the world took part in this initative to raise money for those in the developing world to have access to clean water due to the work of CharityWater
Throughout the day of the 12th Events large and small kicked off. Celebs and twitteratti put them selves up for auction to raise money with great success and fun. Big Shaq o Neal donated one of his sneakers.
Media all over the world reported on the TWESTIVAL with an interview on SKY news and the Guardian UK mentioned the Cape Town Event .
I got involved, at the request of Dorette @metameerKat @capetown, the cape organizer, at the 11th hr, for a city very dear to my heart, CapeTown and assisted in raising the profile of their event on the twitterverse by tweeting my followers 155 times about the event CAPETWESTIVAL. They had a good evening at Doppio Zero Cape Town with local perfomers who put on a great show. South African startup Zoopy has recently lit up the start up scene with their innovative site where video clips and photos can be shared.
I really enjoyed tweeting up a storm and look forward to the next CapeTwestival.
The twestival was a resounding success worldwide and is testament to the fact that Twitter can motivate and bring together people in a cause globally quickly and very effectively. Thanks to @amanda for her innitative in raising the bar high at a $million plus. The events were put together in a mere 2 weeks.
Dorette - metaMeerkat (online) says: it was a good experience... all in all.. and many of the who's who in social media in Cape Town was there, even though it was not a big crowd - I think it was important that we did it! sleep well!!!
[13/02/2009 00:08:06] Dorette - metaMeerkat (online) says: i look at the map of the twestivals and i am glad Cape Town is on it.
Me too, glad I could help and that I could make a donation via tipjoy.
Today on Valentines day its not too late to support Water the charity that gives life. Donate in the name of your lover.
Keep donating
Donna Jackson,
Social Communications Specialist