Twitter coaches needed ....apply here
It has been a busy month for me covering start-ups across Switzerland and Italy. I'm constantly inspired by people's creatvity and determination to bring a tech start up to life in one of the least favourable periods in recent history.
It seems the secret lies in being able to get people to come along with you, to be influential. I call it "building brand" and it's no different from the brand building mamoth companies like MacDonalds and Apple had to do at the begining, and still do, for that matter. The difference lies in the fact that there is no budget to do it with for the new start up, plus, the old fashioned word of mouth has now become what I like to call the New fashioned way to get yourself heard. Word of mouth has changed, and if you want to be successful, you have to get your service, app, or product out there and street tested before someone else beats you to it.
It's a winner takes all fight for attention out there in the wild west of Social Media.
People who think they are facinating arent, people who think they understand twitter dont, people who use it to spam and affliate link are ignored by those they are trying to attract, and what is more, often outed and deleted as spammers. They go away puzzled.
So how do you manage twitter? Well, I've written many how to s on the blog about Twitter that you may care to read, they need monthly updating because things change so fast.
This week however, a bit of comedy entered the fray. Yes, among the conglomerates, corporates, universities, authors, school teachers, housewives, rap artists, web designers, hollywood stars and a US president; who all use twitter to brand themselves, there's a new kid on the block of twitter coaches. And it's ..... wait for it........ The UK government! presumably with the support of her Royal Majesty, who is the top boss of Britains parliament, they have now put out a guide to twitter for MPs.
What a pity Monty Python isn't still around to stage a farce on this, it's material rich, it's a goldmine of hilarity, and I for one am looking forward to the tweets.
I have been following, and being followed by, the UK parliment for some time now. So If you want the inside sccop on what's going down in Britain, dont buy the paper, read this.....
UK Govt endorsed Twitter usage template: