My job ..... Just click on it
Getting back from a trip is somewhat of a marathon. Theres the overstuffed suitcase to decant. Quite often containing wines I need to review wrapped up in a wine skin. Theres momentos that come tumbling out, reminding me the trip/adventure is now over and I will pound the keys and upload all those photos and videos that people are nagging me about.
Then theres my certosino who shows how pissed off he is by sinking his poiny teeth into my wrists and ankles. "Where have you been?" he says. I had to wait it out here in winter. Without your warm body here in the bed. ... I must wait for the moment he finally stops sulking and comes to knead me, and grace me with that most gorgeous sound in the world- his purr.
The bills have piled up, my partners hands were obviously too short to reach the table on which they are sitting.
The lemons have dried up, my lovely walked garden filled with colourful blooms and scents when I departed now sits grey and crinkled under the winter mantle. The soil stony hard. The withering is too awful to behold. So I turn around and come back in.
At the computer those who ignored my requests for decisions before I departed in November, have with the new year, suddenly woken up, and are insistantly trying to show me how planning- brilliant they are. As I attack my mail box- wading through multitudes of stuff that will find its way to my junk box, I must read from strangers who want me to introduce them to the right person in NYC , Milan, Zurich and Barcelona, because they are moving there, and can I suggest a job for them.
Then I move to sifting through letters from people who want me to write content for them. People who cant find the link to the entire photo portfolio I took of them (free of charge) uploaded and tagged and sent to them, at least 10 times. How do I say .. Ive moved on sweetheart, that was about 10 events ago.... Life moves fast at Casa Wisequeen..... After an hour of this heartrendering connecting.... I go downstairs to the plea of my loved ones. Who want me to cook and serve the wines I risked life and limb to bring back.
Friends arrive ; they have missed my cake my tea, my conversation they want to hear all about it. They who never move further than the supermarket, they demand a full account of the entire trip. Who I met. What I did. Oooh youre so clever, youre so good at this they coo.
"Why dont you read my blog?" I say "I written it all up there with photos."
Oh that.. Im not good with that online social stuff.. They lament." What must I do with that link they ask" What???
CLICK ON IT ... I find myself saying for the 100th time. Just click on it...
I sweep the deritus of the trip off the kitchen table. Camera leads, used tickets, brochures, business cards. Half eaten choc bars.. all fall into the basket. I set up the table again to entertain to recount, to hold court and I find myself looking forward to the moment I will find myself finally in bed and feel the heavy body, that has now forgiven me arrange himself between my legs and blinking at me with love start to purr. Ahhhh finally home..
Such is the life of a wine branding, vlogger- blogger- travel writer connector.
Stay tunned for the blog posts of my two month long South African wine trip. ..