I've been talking to tech companies and new startups in Zurich, Zug and around the hub of Switzerland again.
It's no secret that it's
becoming the new Silicon valley as I've written about in previous posts. Not suprisingly, social media has taken off there, with twitter seeing many Swiss German tweets.
I spoke with
Nicolas Berg who is a man who not only dreams and plans big, but has been instrumental in so many startups becoming successful companies.
I remember the launch of
Poken for social media at Zurich tech start ups.
I'll be asking him about this and his passion for business, in his forthcoming interview here. Don't miss it on
All writing is copyright, If you want to use it, ask, or link to it.
Nicolas Berg, Partner at Redalpine Venture Partners
Nicolas Berg, partner at
Redalpine Venture Partners, Country Manager Xing Switzerland, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, venturelab coach.
Since 2007 Redalpine manages an Early-stage Venture Fund based in Luxemburg that invests in highly scalable European start-up companies.
Redalpine partners were among the first European Web 2.0 investors in startups such as
StudiVZ, Students,
Hitflip, Tagworld, and
2000-2007 Nicolas managed 16 angel investments (ICT, e.g. XING, and live science, e.g. Neurotune. 2006-2008 he achieved several successful exits (IPO, trade-sales).
1984-2005 he has co-founded 8 start-ups, e.g., a leading Swiss financial portal for private investors. It was acquired by Ringier, the leading publisher, in 2000.
For several years Nicolas has worked as a technology and finance journalist. Since 2005 he gives venturelab workshops for entrepreneurs at Swiss universities.
He is a jury member for several awards, e.g. Venturekick, Swiss Tech Tour, Swiss Venture Club, Swiss Angel of the Year, and Heuberger Jungunternehmerpreis.
Nicolas graduated as M.Sc. (BA) at the University of Bern in 1985. He lives in Solothurn with his family.
All writing is copyright, If you want to use it ask, or link to it.
Care to comment? send us your opinion.
Donna Jackson
Social Communications Specialist