slow food, slow wine, slow shopping

My first visit to Italy was about fifteen years ago, it was an Italy at a slower pace than today, but after a decade as an Italian resident I can tell you some things haven't changed at all.
I still shop at markets - slow shopping, and I avoid big supermarkets if possible.
My second home is Tuscany now, I lived there permanently until 2004 and now Im a weekend resident. My parents in law are there and so we spend at lot of time in Super-Tuscan, Livorno province. I have many friends among the winemakers and wine brands of Tuscany and this month will be bringing you videos and interviews from my ten day August visit.
One thing that definately not changed in my fifteen years here is Slow food. Italy and Italians are famous for street markets selling everything from huge wheels of parmigiano to the freshest vegetables and fashion brands.
During the week I can leave the office situated in Como walk 20 metres to our local grocer where I can select parma ham, burrata, freerange eggs from the Corbellas who refer to me as bella figliola ( our beautiful daughter).
I buy daily and fresh.
I think you can do the same all over UK, NYC and California now in organic markets and speciality stores.
So what's your food, wine, shopping style? Leave a comment and
don't forget to follow on my Tuscany wine food tour over the next few weeks.