Another Swiss startup, this time in Wine
Friday, August 8, 2008 at 1:27PM
Heres another intervew from Zurich startups, this time about wine tech with Fabienne Steiner of a new start up in Europe,
Now some of you may know I'm passionate about wine,and collect it. Please click on the link to go to my highly popular and rated wine blog!
Where is your home town?
Where are you living now?
Zurich, since 8 years, my new hometown!
What were you doing before Winebook?
I worked in Marketing and Sales for such Companies as IBM. After that I started my own start-up during the work for Blogwerk of famous Peter Hogenkamp.
What did you study after school?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
No joke: a lawyer. I still think I would have ambitions. But would also going crazy about all the injustice in our world.
Tell me how winebook came about?
Wincellarbook was an idea to make more out of our hobby. After some time we didnt have a clue what we find in our winecellar nor what we thought about the tasted wines some time ago. Therefore we had to find a solution ! And our friends have always been asking for advice, so the solution had to be online for them to look up.
Explain winebook to me.
Write tasting notes for you and your friends and find every wine which you ever did taste. Manage your winecellar with our and find your wine in oue hugge database. More tools will be online soon.
What is your vision for Winebook?
To get a really big wine community J but really big!
What would you like to do next?
I have lots of dreams, in business as well. But first I have to bring forward winecellarbook.
What do your family think of your job?
That I am a bit crazy to give up a „secure“ job. Personally I think nothing is secure in our world an definetly not a job as an employee.
What are you most proud of professionally?
To cut of boundaries. My goal is to do what I like to do and not to service people I dont like only for money.
Which book are you reading at the moment?
The kiterunner from Khaled Hosseini. Despite working online all the time I am crazy about books since I was a child!
What other profession would you like to try?
Helping other people to be successful in their lives, however they they define successful, it can be everything.
Fabienne Steiner -