new iphone on sale today in Zurich .... in the US too
So today in the City just voted No 1 in the world, for best quality of life, Zurich, the city in which I spend a large part of my life writing about start ups and project managing; the new iphone is the talk of the moment. ..................
Photo iphone Wisequeen Donna Jackson bonding with hers
An, iphone 3G S review done by Stephen fry on Guardian Tech
here are some tweets about the new iphone 3G S coming out of the city this morning.
RT @jsamuelson And they tried to tell me it was Apples decision not to discount, not Swisscom. Rubbish.
Yes shop workers r full of BS. Mobilezone were saying, the day after the keynote, that the 3GS would not be in CH till end 2009!
iPhone 3GS has arrived!!!! w00t! Huge box such a small iPhone box.
Oops! trying to tweet from the iPhone 3GS using @tweetie but it exits as soon as I try to type.
@stargatejohn There's GPS in the G2 Touch.
quarterwikiRT @mbenez Fido customers are getting the shaft from Rogers on 3GS: Rogers is allowing customers who purchased...
RT @stevegarfield I uploaded a YouTube video -- iPhone 3GS Chestnut Hill MA
Heres the latest tweet up in Zurich, if you want to join in next time and want to be advised about
innovation dinners watch this space.
Need to update to 3G S on itunes heres an instruction video
Tell us about your iphone experience leave us a comment New start up in Zurich? crow about it here
Donna Jackson
Online Branding the new-fashioned way Specialist