Democracy or idiocy?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at 7:49AM
Yesterday the dumbing-down of American society came full circle. Around the world, I and others like me, were tired of "America" telling us how they were the country of free speech, the world's engine of economics, the decider on who would have or use nuclear power. blah blah blah!
I was one of those who tired of Americans calling other Americans unpatriotic if they dared question or criticize their values, governments or laws. Is this freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech is Borat a British Jew, a comedian, coming to America to make a documentary/movie about how ignorant of the rest of the world, and it's countries and peoples many Americans are. Only Americans actually believed he was from Kazakhstan. So as crass and offensive as this movie clearly was, it showed the inconceivable naivety, ignorance and bigotry of a large part of the population in a humour-fueled and non judgmental way. This made Americans very angry. The America where racialism, sexism, and discrimination have been eradicated.
So let's get back to those markets, us friends of America.
What Americans have now been forced to see, not by some invading terrorists, but by their own incompetent rich men in power is this: They haven't a clue how or why the markets work and are as mystified as middle America is as to why they are having their noses rubbed in the .... they created, by their own insiders, who have turned on them in a partisan pub fight.
A woman can never call men on their sh..it, without getting bitten badly and dear Nancy got bitten and along with her all of those who wanted everything to get sewn up nicely before Monday's markets closed.
Every dog and his monkey suddenly had a soapbox to shout from. So because the election is swinging and hanging and spinning on this tenuous thread, the big government boys are at last in the bathrooms sweating, fidgeting and biting their nails.
Surely anyone in congress or government should and must have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of finance, and if not, be intelligent enough to shut up and get out of the way, or go back to university?
I feel for the man on the street who gets spoken to like a moron by his leaders. Nursery school tone has become the norm when the media speaks to the electorate. Fox T.V. specialises in this brand of dumb speak.
And why ask Trump what to do? He keeps banging on about oil dropping like a rock. He's feathered his nest for so long, as his dumb mates in government watched while he and the other profit-takers took.
Here's a clue America, don't vote for anyone who condescends to speak to you, that's on your municipality, school committee, apartment committee, local government or wherever, demand to be spoken to like an adult.
Get back to common sense and look around you. America is not the only place where democracy is upheld and honored.
I feel for all those hardworking, intelligent and courageous Americans, my friends who will be hurt by this idiocy.
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