Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:18AM
Here's my response to Kristen King's post on her blog bizchicks rule
about Blogher.
Dear Kristen,
This is what happens in the corporate world every day. Put a whole bunch of ambitious, formerly-held-down women in a room and unleash their tongues, and you get what's called a catfight or a smackdown, you choose.
Men have always protected each others sins and pleasures. Women don't.
Ask any women who her fiercest critics have been, and you have your answer.
It's the reason men rule the boardroom, we women are so competitive and "mean" to each other to use your own words, that I'd rather work in a room full of man eating lions than in corporate.
We claim to not want divisions based on gender and then have "blogher." Why not flogher
And, if anyone of us, ( even those like me who try to support womens' efforts where-ever I go), can say they don't commit the sins you list below, regularly, then I'll eat both my hat and shoes.
Sex in the city wasn't a hit just because of the sex, it was the sharp competitive girl chat that made it a hit.
* What do you do when you hear a rumor at work, or anywhere else for that matter? Do you listen to it? Do you ignore it? Do you repeat it?
* How do you react when others are gossiping in your presence? Do you participate? Do you sit by silently? Do you leave?
* Do you ever start or spread gossip and rumors about another woman at work or elsewhere in your life?
* Do you talk about other women when they’re not in the room?
* How do you handle it when you have a problem with another woman in your life? Do you talk to her about it, or do you talk to others about it?
* Do you discuss others’ failures at length, either in a closed group or in public forums?
* Do you mock other women who dress differently, speak differently, make different life choices? Do you participate or enable when others do?
* Do you make a point of bringing other people down?
tagged business, flogher, gender issues, men, opinions, roles, women, women in business in business, etiquette