twitter attracts investment of 35 mil
Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 9:02AM
In my last post on angel investors and raising capital for start ups, my research led me to this report on Twitter investment. Interesting, as it no doubt took the pressure off Twitter when Facebook were hoping to aquire twitter for a sizable figure, which never happened. Things are reported to be getting much tougher. We wait to discover the monetization plans of Twitter.
Reader Comments (1)
I reckon twitter is (much like facebook - depending on the terms of the privacy agreement) data mining heaven. With the acquisition of the search a while back they have certainly paved the way for it, so my bet is on twitter making their users' public data semantically researchable and measurable. Seen as Twitter is directed by experienced and, well, wealthy entrepreneurs, who seem to value legacy more than the billion $ they probably got offered, my bet is certainly not on them generating revenue from advertising, at least not in its current smug-looking look-and-feel-disrupting form.