Douro Portugal - Peace -Port- Perfection
We wound our way up those twisty winding roads clinging to the side of the mountain and then descended into the Douro valley. We were on the press tour after #iwinetc.
We were the guests at Croft/Fonseca and the CEO Adrian Bridge was waiting to meet us and showed us around the winery near Pinau Douro. Then in the vineyards we met the team ; winemaker Antonio and the viticulturist. The tour was one of the most informative and interesting I've been on. Port wine is some kind of an affair and I was falling in love with it.
We all walked and talked in the vineyards as Adrian plucked oranges and lemon leaves for us to sniff and taste under an impossibly blue sky.We then drove up another road that the bus barely made it up to view more terraces tumbling down to the river.
We went up to their guest lodge perched high above the river and with our fabulous lunch tasted all those lovely ports First extra dry Sirocco, then Vintage Port 2008 my favorite, then twenty year old Tawny and then finally the organic port made by Fonseca terra prima. As Adrian and his team stood in the road waving at us while we set off to decend those steep terraced curves, I was not the only one on that wine bus to be feeling envy for those men who live this dream at Douro.
Watch my updates on the amazing places we stayed and the winemakers I interviewed.
@wisequeen on wine from Portugal.
Reader Comments (1)
Great Article!
I envy you in sunny Portugal in the vineyards. I Always enjoy your wine reports Donna.